Some dao for you
Stop talking
so much and open
for a while your curved
ears; stop the
darting of eyes like small
fish in a tank and see
slowly the water; instead of grabbing
with fingers open the palm
and let it come to you.
This is the way, life living
through me, and any pain
comes from resisting
what wants naturally to unfurl
like a flag or a fern
from my heart.
Who are these people, myself?
The details want to pour themselves,
like rainbow butterflies from
the mouth of a
hippopotamus, into
glorious cloud. Let us
be what we want to be, let
us be how we are.
And to breathe when the foot
lifts and to breathe when the
foot falls (hair hot with sunlight,
left hamstring beginning to ache)
is to know that whatever
wants to happen
and fluted